Circle time is an essential part of the school day. We learn about each other, sing songs and read exciting stories. We also do activities in accordance with our theme of the month. We ask you kindly to drop off your child by 9.30. It is important that they settle in before we start circle time.
Each day we have one main activity, such as music, art, gym and nature walks. We play outside on our playground twice a day, and children will need clothing to suit all weather conditions.
Supervised free play is designed to encourage the children to explore a variety of activities and help them socialise with other children. We stress the importance of social development – learning to take turns, share etc. Free play includes puzzles, games, age appropriate toys and sensory activities such as play dough. Lunch time is another social time where we eat together and talk about the day. Good table manners are encouraged, and children are expected to eat independently.