Application to The Children's House for 2025-2026

We are accepting applications for the next school year. The deadline is Saturday, 1 February 2025. Parents with children attending TCH: Please make sure you indicate that you have a sibling already attending TCH as this will give you priority.

All applications to The Children’s House have to go through Sola Kommune.

If you are not living in Sola municipality, you should go directly to the application without logging in with your personal ID- information but go to: Søk Barnehage Plass



The offers will be sent out via Sola Kommune portal.In order to accept the offer, you have to log in using your personal ID-log in information. This has to be done within the deadline – date is on the offer letter. If we don’t have the acceptance from you within this date, the offer will be cancelled and the application deleted. You cannot respond to the offer after the deadline.